Latin name
Sambucus nigra L.
Dark purple fine powder
Active Ingredients
25% Anthocyanidin
Test Method
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Elderberry Extract is made from the fruit of elderberry.The active ingredients were anthocyanidins, Proanthocyanidins, flavones.It has the functions of dispelling wind and moistening, activating blood and hemostasis.
Elderberry Extract contains many important nutrients for health, such as vitamins A, B and C, flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, and amino acids.
Elderberry Extract is used for its antioxidant activity, to lower cholesterol, to improve vision, to boost the immune system, to improve heart health and for coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections and tonsilitis.
Function :
1. Stimulate the Immune System
The antioxidant properties in elderberry extract may help to reduce symptoms of flu, improve cough, headaches, and fever, as well as reduce excessive sinus mucus secretion in sinusitis.
2. Antioxidant
The flavonoids and anthocyanins in elderberry extract may help to reduce inflammation and decrease the damaging effects of free radicals.
3. Lower Cholesterol
A study by Murkovic, Abuja, and Bergmann found small improvements in cholesterol levels in groups treated with elderberry extract.
4. Circulatory System
Elderberry extract has benefits that can help your heart. This includes improving blood flow throughout your body.
5. Repiratory System
The respiratory system can be boosted by the intake of elderberry extract. Elderberry extract can help with both asthma conditions and bronchitis.
6. Nervous System
Injections of elderberry extract have been found to have positive effects on people suffering with back pain and other nerve conditions.
7. Bladder
Injections of elderberry can also assist with bladder conditions. A dose of elderberry extract can also assist with both urinary tract and bladder infections.
8. May Fight Influenza
A standardized elderberry extract may offer a safe, natural alternative to treat influenza type A and B
9. Elderberry for Weight Loss
Elderberry may help you loose weight, according to an observational study conducted by C. Chrubasik and associates
Application :
1. Protect and regenerate retinal purple (rhodopsin), and cure patients with eye diseases such as pigmentosa, retinitis, glaucoma, and myopia, etc.;
2. Prevent the cardiovascular diseases;
3. Quench free radical, antioxidant, and anti-aging;
4. A treatment for mild inflammation of the mucous membranes of mouth and throat;
5. A treatment for diarrhea, enteritis, urethritis, cystitis and virosis rheum epidemic, with its antiphlogistic and bactericidal